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Space Police

The main character and a member of the Space Police. He inhabits an android body created by Hiroshi and lives with the Amano family.

  • Adrenaline Makeover: Once per Episode, Katori pulls the trope when he gears up to fight the villains. He takes off his white lab coat, removes his glasses, and as he gets ready he looks VERY dashing.
  • All-Loving Hero: He's exceptionally kind and gentle to nearly any living being he comes across, genuinely tries to see the best in everyone, and adores Earth with all of his heart.
  • Badass in Distress: More than once, he's caught in hostage situations where fighting back will only get other people hurt.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: A sweet and naive young man who is very good at fighting either in or out of his mecha and can become a fearsome force to be reckoned with to those who he considers enemies. It's quite the treat to see him go from his Nice Guy persona to a Hot-Blooded badass at the flip of a switch.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Kenta and Haruka adore him, and Kenta calls him 'Katori-niichan' (Big Bro Katori).
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: An extremely good fighter (whether as Fighbird or as not), a powerful Technopath and a capable leader of the Space Police... and also immensely naive and a bit childlike in 'real life', since he's not from Earth and is barely aware of human social conventions.
  • The Captain: When on the battlefield, he's a completely focused and VERY efficient leader.
  • Clark Kenting: Putting a pair of Purely Aesthetic Glasses and a lab coat on him is seemingly enough to make him unrecognizable. It even gets lampshaded at the end, when Momoko asks him why is he still wearing his coat and glasses and even tells him to take the latter off.
  • Elegant Classical Musician: In a way. When Katori plays a lovely song from his home planet in Dr. Amano's ocarina, he adopts a serene attitude that strongly resembles the trope and makes him look more Tall, Dark, and Handsome dorky.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: In his Katori persona, his blue hair is normally combed. When he goes into his Fighbird one, it shifts to more typical Shonen Hair until he has to properly transform.
  • Fish out of Water: Katori has zero idea of how human societies work and how people interact, being an alien. A good part of the series' humor relays on him learning about society as a whole under the guide of the Amano family, and often Comically Missing the Point despite their (and Katori's) efforts.
  • Friend to All Children: He seems to have an instinctive ability to get along well with babies and kids. Woe betide anyone who threatens children in his surroundings, and double if said kids are Kenta and Haruka.
  • Friend to All Living Things: He also tends to interact well with animals. One episode has him happily rescuing a bunch of goats belonging to a shepherd boy and they quite like him too.
    • Episode 38 begins with Katori cheerfully playing with Haruka's mascot Champ, just as cherfully interacting with a couple of pigeons and their newborn chicks, and then dedicating himself to help a gigantic gorilla who's been experimented on by Dr. Jango and is being forced to participate in his most recent plans.
  • Hot-Blooded: As the protagonist of a Brave Series, that's to be expected. Katori is normally gentle and naive, but when he gets a challenge or is in front of his enemies, he plays the trope straight to the freaking letter.
  • Idiot Hero: He comes across as this often, but it's out of being a Fish out of Water than anything else. He also subverts the trope by being scaringly competent when in missions.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: The guy pretty much radiates innocence and kindness.
  • Instant Expert: Subverted with his handling of anything technological (he's a Technopath), but played straight when he instantly learns how to surf and plays the ocarina like an expert right after finding one.
  • Interspecies Friendship: As an Energy Being in an android body, he has these with several humans: the Amano children, Dr. Amano, Ippei and Goro, Kenta's school friends, little Kaoruko...
  • Interspecies Romance: He can also potentially have this with either Yoshiko or Momoko, two women from Earth who develop feelings for him. It's left open ended, though out of both ladies, he's closer to Yoshiko.
  • Kindhearted Simpleton: He's got his heart in the right place, but is very simplistic when it comes to life, since he's just created.
  • Lethal Chef: His cooking makes Ippei and Goro go pretty much blue in the face. It's understandable: up until then he had never cooked anything so, even when he can eat human food (though it's not his main source of energy/nourishment), he had next to no references about human tastes.
    • Episode 40 implies that he cares much more for how nutritive the food is than for its actual taste. Which is why he pretty much pours everything he finds in Akiko's fridge inside the pot containing the stew she's cooking.
  • Love You and Everybody: In his and the Space Police's home planet everyone loves one another as soon as they're born, save for truly unredeemable people like Draias. In episode 16 he tells Yoshiko that he loves and admires her and Satsuda; she almost thinks it's a Love Confession and gets a bit flustered, before realizing what he exactly meant.
  • Malaproper: Not being a native Japanese, at times Katori tends to mess up with the language. It happens less than one would believe, however.
  • Meaningful Name: The “Brave First-Born Son” (Yutaro / 勇太郎)—“Fire Bird” (Katori / 火鳥).
  • Men Can't Keep House: One would think that Katori's super powers would've been helpful when he tried to assist Kenta's mom with housework. Newsflash: they weren't.
  • Naked First Impression: When Fighbird fuses with Hiroshi's android in the first episode, one of his first actions as Katori is to use the silicone foam that Hiroshi keeps around to 'recreate' his human looks, based on a drawing made by Haruka. This doesn't include clothes, so when Kenta and later Hiroshi and Haruka arrive, Katori is completely naked and doesn't seem to acknowledge it as he politely introduces himself to the Amanos and even to Haruka's pet monkey Champ. A very red-faced Haruka tells Kenta to get him some clothes as soon as it's possible.
  • Never Gets Drunk: Implied in the Christmas Episode, when the already sloshed Satsuda and Hiroshi hand him a big cup of wine and he simply drinks the contents as if it was water. He's a Type Three: this is all due to his android body.
  • Nice Guy: It's hard to find a nicer person than him!
  • One of the Kids: Episode 39 has Katori showing up at Kenta and Haruka's school in the typical 'observation day' plot. Hilarity Ensues as he ends up enacting the trope to the hilt in the first part of the episode...
  • Playing with Fire: Fighbird's more powerful attacks involve a BIGFlaming Sword, and later a just as big fire cannon
  • Precision F-Strike: When Ippei and Goro help Katori defuse a Hostage Situation involving Haruka and Kenta early in the story, he screams 'now I'm really PISSED OFF!!' before turning the tables.
  • Red Is Heroic: Red is the color most often associated with him.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: He's an android that looks and acts like a human, even if he's a little awkward.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Tends to genderflip the trope when he's either with Haruka or Yoshiko.
  • Saying Too Much: An early Running Gag has Katori sometimes almost spilling the beans about the Rescue Forces to people he barely knows, so Kenta and sometimes Haruka have to tell him to shut up.
  • Ship Tease: With Yoshiko, and to a smaller degree with Momoko.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: On one hand, Momoko falls for Fighbird because he rescues herwhen she needs it. On the other, Yoshiko loves him partially for that but especiallyfor his kindness to people in general.
  • Superpower Lottery: He has MANY skills, coming from himself and from the android body built by Hiroshi. Said body gives him Super Speed, Super Strength and the sturdiness to handle both, Technopathy (he's able to use near any machinery and technological appliances by analyzing them on sight) and Super Senses (especially hearing and sight). From his own nature he draws empathy (i.e, he tells Kenta that he trusts Hiroshi completely because he and his companions can sense that his lab is filled with a positive energy, born from the prof's sincere desire to bring world peace), a sort-of capacity to understand near every single living being (especially animals), seeing ghosts (like the spirit of Dr. Amano's late wife Yuri), etc.

Fighbird's compatriots in the Space Police. They all disguise themselves as vehicles so as to better acclimate with humanity. Guard Star is a police car, Guard Fire is a firetruck, Guard Rescue is an ambulance, and Guard Wing is a plane. Fighbird disguises himself as Prof. Amano's assistant, Katori Yutaro, and in doing so, is in for a culture shock as he learns how to live with his human hosts. FighBird: An energy-based life form from outer space, FighBird is a member of the Space Police Force, having traveled to Earth in order to put a stop to Draias's evil ways. See full list on May 14, 2018 The Brave Fighter of Sun Fighbird was created to be the Japanese version of Transformers: all androids, intergalactic police forces and merchandise opportunities.

Voiced by: Naoki Bando (Guard Star/Guardion), Naoki Makishima (Guard Fire), Kouji Tsujitani (Guard Rescue), Koji Totani (Guard Wing/Super Guardion)

Fighbird's compatriots in the Space Police. They all disguise themselves as vehicles so as to better acclimate with humanity. Guard Star is a police car, Guard Fire is a firetruck, Guard Rescue is an ambulance, and Guard Wing is a plane.

Taiyou No Yuusha Fighbird

  • Aloof Ally: Guard Wing tends to go off on his own most of the time.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Guard Wing has the gumption to proclaim himself as the strongest member of the Space Police when he's introduced... and then gets his ass handed to him in the next episode.
  • Berserk Button: Having his hard work insulted is one for Guard Fire. When Akira, a friend of Kenta's, gets unfairly upset with Guard Fire for not saving his toy cars in time, the firetruck is so insulted that he goes so far as to scold the kid by sticking the front end of his vehicle mode into Akira's third story hospital room. Guard Wing's arrogance is another one.
  • Cool Car: Guard Star, Guard Fire and Guard Rescue.
  • Cool Jet: Guard Wing, natch.
  • Hot-Blooded: Guard Fire.
  • Jerkass: Guard Wing, to the point that both Kenta and Guard Fire wonder why he's even on the team.

Another group of Fighbird's friends in the force, they also disguise themselves with vehicle modes; Ace Baron as a tank, Road Baron as a trailer, Drill Baron as drill (duh), Aqua Baron as a submarine, and Sky Baron as a jet.

Flight Bird

  • Cool Boat: Aqua Baron.
  • Cool Car: Road Baron.
  • Cool Jet: Sky Baron.
  • Nice Guy: Ace Baron.
  • Tank Goodness: Ace Baron.
  • The Voiceless: Since the other members aside from Ace Baron are just drones, they don't talk.
Human Characters

A boy in fourth grade who frequently accompanies Katori on his Space Police missions.

  • Cheerful Child: It's rare to see this kid in low spirits.
  • Does Not Like Spam: It's revealed in episode 12 that he hates fish, though he changes his mind when he tries fried sardines.
  • Invisible Parents: His mom appears in a couple of episodes, but his dad is neither seen nor mentioned.
  • Tag Along Kid: He often goes with Katori on his heroic escapades, though he doesn't get involved in actual fights.
Voiced by: Rie Iwatsubo

Kenta's cousin.

  • Adorably Precocious Child: She's quite mature and responsible for her age, which isn't all that surprising considering who she lives with.
  • Team Mom: She cooks, she cleans, and she apparently looks after her grandfather's finances.
  • Invisible Parents: Her parents are working in Germany and appear for all of one episode.
  • Women Are Wiser: She's much more sensible than her cousin and grandfather, and the most likely to call out grown men when they're being foolish.

Kenta and Haruka's grandfather who serves as their guardian. He is the scientist who created Katori's android body.

  • Absent-Minded Professor: And how. It's a miracle that even some of his inventions work the way they're supposed to.
  • White-Collar Crime: The reason why Amano is able to fund so many inventions is because he doesn't pay government taxes.
Voiced by:Masako Katsuki

A nurse who often crosses paths with Katori.

  • Ascended Extra: She becomes part of the main cast by the end of episode 34.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Momoko's Veronica.
  • Brainy Brunette: She's very intelligent and knows how to do her job.
  • Hospital Hottie: It's never really focused on, but Yoshiko is mentioned to be quite attractive.
  • Letting Her Hair Down: She does this in the last arc.
  • Prim and Proper Bun: Her hair is usually kept in a neat bun, likely so that it doesn't get in the way of her work.
  • Secret Keeper: Becomes this in episode 24 when she finds out that Katori is Fighbird.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She's in love with Katori because of his courage and kind heart.

A reporter who frequently gets caught in whatever mess Fighbird has to clean up.

  • Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Yoshiko's Betty.
  • Fiery Redhead: More of an auburn, but she still counts.
  • Intrepid Reporter: She tries to be this, but something always happens that prevents her from getting the scoop she wants, i.e. an interview with Katori.
  • Loves My Alter Ego: She's head over heels in love with Fighbird but doesn't care much for Katori, thinking he's just Professor Amano's dorky assistant.
  • Rescue Romance: She desperately wants this with Fighbird, but he hardly notices her.
Voiced by: Shigezo Sasaoka

An inspector who is convinced that Hiroshi Amano is responsible for stealing three billion yen.

Fighbird wiki
  • Hot-Blooded: Few things fire him up quicker than catching nefarious criminals.
  • Friend on the Force: He fits into this role by the Christmas Episode.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be a bit abrasive and overzealous, but he's sincere in his desire to protect the public. He eases off on the jerk part when he figures out that Amano is working with the Space Police.

The main antagonist. He works with Dr. Jango for nefarious purposes.

  • Orcus on His Throne: He's normally content to sit back and let his minions do all the work. When he decides to get off the throne, however, then the heroes are in for a beating.
Voiced by:Junpei Takiguchi

An evil scientist who allies himself with Draias.

  • Card-Carrying Villain: He takes pride in being an evil bastard and when called out if he has no shame in trampling on his own kin, other humans, he said that he doesn't care.
  • It's All About Me: All Jango cares is that he stands on the top of everyone, ruling them and making them suffer for his own amusement while others worship him. He hijacked a Nobel Prize so he could hog all the titles for himself, and that was just the beginning. And if he found a safe way to replace Draias and make him on the top of the evil chain, he'll do so.
  • Evil Genius: He's the provider of most of the devices for Draias to use and gives him his headquarters. Additionally, he wants everyone in the world to acknowledge that he's the most (evil) genius of all.
  • Evil Old Folks: Notable that he's the only evil human being in a setting where Humans Are Good.
  • Mad Scientist: For a major part, his science devolve into stealing some of Prof. Amano's works, give it an evil spin and claim it to be his, while harming humans while he's at it.
  • Smug Snake: He has a tendency to smugly tell humans or his other victims to suffer his wrath and his evil plans, and liked to talk big in front of Fighbird. But Fighbird always thwarts his plan, sending him packing and if Draias, Zol or Shura caught wind of it, they tend to mock him.
  • The Starscream: He decides to work against Draias halfway in one episode, mostly because he doesn't like how the galactic overlord has decided to be a more active participant.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Jango is extremely evil and he has no problem with harming children if it means accomplishing his goals, anything is fair game.
Voiced by: Yu Shimaka (Zol), Kiyoyuki Yanada (Shura)

Draias's minions.

  • Fat and Skinny: Zol is burly and muscular while Shura is more lanky.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Zol is the Red Oni and Shura is the Blue Oni.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: They look like Palette Swap with the difference of their body widths and not very often seen separately and had similar mindsets.


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Fighbird Episodes

Brave of the Sun: Fighbird was the second Brave Series, which aired from 1991 to 1992 in Japan. The series centered around the adventures of Yutaro Katori, an android possessed by an energy-based lifeform from space, and his fellow Space Police officers, in their fight against the evil being known as Draias.

Unlike the previous Brave series, Brave Exkaiser, which featured the hero as an energy being which inhabited a car, Fighbird focused more on self-parodying humor by having the robot leader take possession of a humanoid-simulating android instead (which interfaces with the Fire Jet to form the robot Fighbird). This forces him to coexist with humanity on their terms, causing a great deal of trouble as he attempts to adapt to human life. The concept of the 'Space Police Force' otherwise remains intact (though not connected to the earlier series), a key difference being that the mecha that Fighbird and one of the combiner teams use was developed previously by a human scientist, whose grandson accompanies the Space Police in their battles.


Is this the examples line?:

  • Absent-Minded Professor: Hiroshi Amano has his moments of being this.
  • Aloof Ally: Guard Wing. While he does cooperate with the other Space Policemen for the most part, he tends to go off on his own tangents.
  • Animal Mecha: The Death Team, as well as most of the Mecha Beasts.
  • Animal Motifs: While it doesn't go for Animal Mecha, Fighbird has a lot of Phoenix motifs put on him, including a phoenix-like symbol and a flaming bird that materializes behind it while charging up the Flame Sword.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Guard Wing covers the 'arrogant' part of the trope, as he claims to be the strongest member of the Space Police Force. Even after being summarily trounced by Draias.
  • Attack Drone: All barons are seemingly controlled
  • Bald of Evil: Shura and Zol.
  • Betty and Veronica: Yoshiko is the Betty and Momoko is the Veronica. Which may also explain nicely that the sensible Yoshiko was easily trusted with the secret of Fighbird once she found out by accident, while the Space Police, especially Kenta, did their best to keep the secret from the more nosy Momoko.
  • Advertisement:
  • BFG: The Gran Cannon.
  • BFS: The Flame Sword. Great Fighbird's version of it is even bigger. On his end, Draias has the Death Blade.
  • Big Bad: Draias.
  • Busman's Holiday: Any time Katori and the Amanos go out on a trip, it just so happens that the location they visit is where Draias' men decide to carry out their latest plan...
  • Chest Blaster: Super Guardion's Finishing Move.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Out of all the Space Police officers, Ace Baron is the one most likely to display this.
  • Clark Kenting: Apparently a pair of glasses and a lab coat are all it takes to prevent anyone from noticing that Fighbird's human form and Katori are one and the same.
  • Co-Dragons: Shura and Zol.
  • Collapsible Helmet: The land based Guard Team members used them in the early episodes. Weird considered they already have helmets on their heads.
  • Cool Boat: Aqua Baron.
  • Cool Car: Road Baron, Guard Star, Guard Rescue, Guard Fire.
  • Cool Jet: Fighbird, Sky Baron, Guard Wing, Fire Jet, and Draias Jet.
  • Combining Mecha: Duh. In this case, the Guard Team, Baron Team and Fighbird himself (via the Fire Jet, Flame Breaster and, later on, Fire Shuttle and Breaster Jet).
  • Drill Tank: Drill Baron.
  • Eagleland: Generally portrayed as Type 1 during the America arc. While they generally end up being the victim, the multiracial American citizens were depicted as good people and their president willingly gave himself for even more work just so his people wouldn't suffer.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: Underneath the Amano Peace Labs.
  • Energy Beings: What Fighbird, the Space Police, Draias, Shura, and Zol technically are.
  • Evil Counterpart: Draias is one to Great Fighbird.
  • Evil Old Folks: Dr. Jango is the only human character who is megalomaniacal and evil, and he's old. Really old.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Draias tries to make one as his main goal in the series, literally named Devil's Tower.
  • Fictional Country: One episode had Katori end up impersonating a spoiled prince from Talbador, an equivalent of India. The people dressed like traditional Indian (complete with turbans) and there are also statues of Ganesha.
  • Fiery Redhead: Momoko.
  • Final Boss Preview: Happens whenever Draias decides to directly interfere with the Space Police's efforts.
  • Flaming Sword: Fighbird's finisher is the Flame Sword, a BFS that can turn into fire.
  • Fountain of Youth: Happens to Dr. Jango in the finale.
  • Friend on the Force: Inspector Satsuda, although he is also a bit of a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
  • Friend to All Children: Katori, as you might expect.
  • Ghost Pirate: Featured in episode 37.
  • Hospital Hottie: Dr. Yoshiko Kunieda, although extremely indirectly.
  • Hot-Blooded: Katori and Momoko. Fighbird/Great Fighbird and Guard Fire are literally so.
  • Humans Are Good: With the sole exception of Jango, you can be assured that humans characters default to good, even the two thief siblings eventually convert to good. Aliens depend, if they're the Space Police like Fighbird, they're good, if they're part of Draias, then they're evil.
  • Idiot Hero: Due to his lacking knowledge of Earth's culture, Katori comes off as this.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Momoko, natch. It doesn't help that she's infatuated with Fighbird, whom she is trying to interview and has a tendency to appear in whatever trouble that Draias pulled off which required Fighbird and Kenta to be there. If she couldn't interview Fighbird, she would hound Kenta for interview instead, much to his annoyance.
  • Invisible Parents: While Kenta's mother and Haruka's parents do appear in a few episodes (one in the latter's case, as they are abroad in Germany), Kenta's father is never seen or mentioned.
  • Jerkass: Guard Wing, to the point that Kenta himself wonders how the other Space Police officers can be friends with him.
  • Large and in Charge: Draias, which is only apparent when he has the 3-unit Death Team combined. Katori follows suit once he acquires his Great Fighbird form.
  • Large Ham: Dr. Jango.
  • Letting Her Hair Down: Dr. Yoshiko normally has her long hair tied into a bun and only lets it down in the last arc. Her hair is also seen this way in both of the openings.
  • Mad Scientist: Contrasted between Prof. Amano and Dr. Jango. Amano is definitely an eccentric scientist who makes up crazy inventions, but he always makes sure that his creation is used for good deeds. Dr. Jango is the evil version, using his creations to wreck havoc in humanity.
  • Made of Evil: Draias, Zol, and Shura are composed of minus energy. The last arc features Draias harvesting this from space in an attempt to restructure the universe.
  • Mecha-Mooks: The Teshitas, 'nuff said.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: By episode 29, Fire Jet got damaged and so Katori transferred the data into the newly constructed Fire Shuttle and formed the Granbird. Of course, that later got upgraded too into Great Fighbird.
  • Monster of the Week: The Mecha Beasts, not to be confused with mechanical beasts or mecha-boosts. They're not AI-controlled, however. Zol and/or Shura (and sometimes Jango) always pilot them.
  • Mythology Gag: 'Gatherway' Blaster? Well, the quoted part was the title of the predecessor series' theme song...
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Displayed from time to time, given that the heroes are Super Robots, though the Gatherway Blaster in episode 43 is a particularly blatant case.
  • Nice Guy: Katori and Ace Baron, but especially the former.
  • Obviously Evil: It's an early Brave Series installment. Especially whenever Zol and Shura appear in public, they don't even bother to hide their inhuman appearance, might as well wearing a label with 'Hello, I am evil' written on it. Also Dr. Jango's look also screams 'evil' despite being fully human.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Ace Baron, who was given that name by Professor Amano before he could introduce himself and decided to just go with it.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Draias contents himself as staying in Jango's base and relaying orders. But when he DOES get off, he's giving a great ass-kicking to the good guys.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Episode 36 has the Teshitas disguise themselves as vampires in Germany.
  • Playing with Fire: Fighbird's Finishing Move.
  • Police Are Useless: Try as they might, the police is clearly helpless compared to the Space Police. Ironically, Inspector Satsuda becomes far more useful after finding out the Amanos' secret and formally deciding to support them.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: For once, Dr. Jango decide to leave the protagonists' home turf and invades a different nation, America and actually succeeded for one and a half episode.
  • The Professor: Hiroshi Amano.
  • Ramming Always Works: Thunder Baron's Finishing Move, the Thunder Crash.
  • Rescue Romance: Momoko desperately tries to invoke this with Fighbird. No such luck.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: Katori, again.
  • Running Gag: Inspector Satsuda getting annoyed at his police car (really Guard Star in disguise) suddenly vanishing/being 'stolen'.
  • Secretly Wealthy: Professor Hiroshi Amano, so much so that Inspector Satsuda hounds him because of it.
  • Shonen Hair: Katori, but only when he's geared up to fight the villains.
  • Shout-Out: The space episode where they have to fight a ZeongExpy.
  • Space Police: Similarly to Exkaiser.
  • Spell My Name with an 'S': When it comes to the series itself, Fighbird alternately gets referred to as Firebird, Fyvard or Fightbird.
  • Supervillain Lair: Dr. Jango's Underwater Base in the Pacific ocean.
  • Tagalong Kid: Kenta, though he gets to take a more active role.
  • Tank Goodness: Ace Baron and the Baron Team.
  • Team Mom: Haruka essentially fulfills this role for Katori and the Amanos.
  • Team Pet: Champ the squirrel monkey, although he curiously doesn't make many appearances.
  • The Starscream: After Draias attempted to be less of an Orcus on His Throne, Dr. Jango discovered the Devil Stone which would damage Energy Beings like the Space Police and Draias himself. He decided to take it and plans to use it not just on Fighbird, but also to take over the true Big Bad position from Draias. Fighbird then proceeded to destroy the majority of the stone, and then Draias destroyed what remained of it.
  • The Voiceless: The only robot who speaks in the Baron Team is just Ace/Thunder Baron. The rest of the Baron Team (which consist of around 5 people) do not speak and let their actions do the talking.
  • Transforming Mecha: Of course! This is the Brave Series, after all.
  • Triang Relations: Type 3, with Dr. Yoshiko and Momoko both having feelings for Katori. There is no clear winner.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Why Haruka is so effective as a Team Mom despite being a grade schooler like Kenta. She's just that responsible and down to earth, as compared to Kenta's more gung-ho and irresponsible tendencies or the much older Amano's eccentricness AND absent-mindedness. It's not that rare to see Haruka scolding an older man less responsible than her.
  • Would Hurt a Child: If it helps him achieve his plans, Dr. Jango won't hesitate to put children's lives in danger.
  • White-Collar Crime: The reason Professor Amano was able to fund all his inventions is because he didn't pay any taxes to the government.

Fighbird Ep 4
