The cyber crime wing of Chennai Police on Tuesday arrested Kishore K. Swamy, a social media activist, for his abusive posts against women journalists. The Tami Nadu women Journalists Forum on July 26 had filed a complaint against the self-styled political analyst with proof of his social media posts using abusive words and religious slurs. A few individual women journalists had also lodged complaints against him.

Kishore K Swamy Twitter Profile


Kishore is a known BJP and AIADMK sympathiser and is being hailed on social media as ‘Junior Swamy’ or ‘Swamy from Tamil Nadu’ by the supporters of both the parties for his pro-government stands. However, he is also known for continuously abusing women journalists and TV anchors who raise questions against the ruling parties.

Swamy39 Tweets

Kishore is often seen in television debates, commenting on the developments in Tamil Nadu politics. In their complaint against him, the Tamil Nadu Women Journalists Forum and other individual journalists mentioned how he was engaged and supported by the BJP IT cell members.

Kishore k swamy twitter photos

The complainants had accused Kishore of doing character assassination of women and instigating violence against the journalists by raising religious slurs.

#KishoreKSwamyArrest #PiyushManush #OpenTalks Kishore K Swamy Arrest Piyush Manush 'Take Back my Words' Not Apologies Open Talks Reach Me: Gmail: Instagram: https://www.

“He had been continuously harassing almost every woman journalist in Tamil Nadu, as he can make the newsrooms and editorials listen to his commands. We filed the complaint in July and the police commissioner then assured us of action at an appropriate time,” said Jayabathuri, coordinator of the forum.

Kishore was arrested under sections 354 D of IPC (stalking); 509 of IPC (insulting the modesty of women) and Section 4 of Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Harassment of Women Act (TNPHW), 1998 for harassment of women.

  1. — kishore k swamy (@sansbarrier) April 5, 2019 திமுக கூட்டணி 33 தொகுதியில் வெற்றி பெறும் லயோலா கருத்து கணிப்பு.
  2. Image courtesy: Facebook/Kishore K Swamy The cyber crime wing of Chennai Police on Tuesday arrested Kishore K. Swamy, a social media activist, for his abusive posts against women journalists. The Tami Nadu women Journalists Forum on July 26 had filed a.

Though Section 4 of TNPHW is non-bailable, Kishore was later released on bail on health grounds. Police sources said that he was running a high temperature.

A few members of the BJP IT cell were seen celebrating his release.