Updated filtering settings in ReSharper 2021.1

You can now configure coverage filters in Visual Studio with ReSharper in the same way as in JetBrains Rider.

dotCover console runner as a .NET global tool 2021.1

You can install the dotCover console runner as a dotnet global tool: dotnet tool install --global JetBrains.dotCover.GlobalTools --version 2021.1.0

Use it to analyze coverage in your .NET Core projects and unit tests.


Jul 5, 2019 3 min read. CodeCoverage.exe is a tool that comes with the installation of Visual Studio. To generate a coverage report with ReportGenerator the file has to be converted. It supports Visual Studio 2010 — 2017 and JetBrains Rider 2018.2 or later. Continuous testing dotCover can figure out on-the-fly which unit tests are affected by your latest code changes, and automatically re-runs the affected tests for you. Open Developer Command Prompt to use the command-line tool, or you can find the tool in%Program Files(x86)% Microsoft Visual Studio common7 ide CommonExtensions. General command-line options. The following table lists all the options for VSTest.Console.exe and short descriptions of them. I need to get my.vsix-file after the starting this solution by my Visual Studio 2015, but i don't know, what project in this solution i have to set as autorun project. @Mykremin In the beginning OpenCover will ask you to find executables.

.NET 5 support 2020.3

dotCover lets you perform coverage analysis of applications targeting .NET 5.

Improved Continuous Testing 2020.3

Now, you can refine what projects should be built when a continuous testing session is triggered. This lets you speed up continuous testing sessions. The feature works in both Visual Studio and Rider.

Improved support for projects targeting multiple frameworks 2020.3

Now, the Unit Tests Coverage window in both Visual Studio and Rider lets you filter coverage results by target framework.

Methods with outdated coverage info are shown in the coverage tree 2020.3

Before 2020.3, methods with outdated coverage info were highlighted only with a marker in the gutter. Now, in Visual Studio, methods with outdated coverage info are also highlighted in the Unit Tests Coverage window.

Code coverage in solution highlight level options 2020.3

Now, you can use the Rider’s solution highlight level options to turn code coverage highlighting on and off.

Support for ARM64 architecture 2020.2

The dotCover console runner for Linux (Debian and Ubuntu) lets you perform coverage analysis on ARM64 systems.

Improvements in dotCover for Rider 2020.2

The new release brings several useful new features to the dotCover plugin in Rider:

  • The Unit Tests Coverage window now lets you export coverage reports.
  • The Unit Tests Coverage window now has a quick search feature.
  • You can now navigate from a character in the code to that character in the coverage tree (Navigate to | Coverage Tree).

Improvements in the console runner 2020.2

  • Summary report type. The --reportype=SummaryXml parameter lets you create a new report type which includes data on how many classes, methods, and statements are covered in total.
  • Now the runner can generate reports for several types at once.

Coverage filters in JetBrains Rider 2020.1

Now, you can apply both runtime and coverage results filters in JetBrains Rider.

Support for Unity on Windows, macOS, and Linux 2019.3

Opencover Visual Studio 2019

dotCover 2019.3 provides support for Unity 2018.3 and later on all operating systems. To perform coverage analysis of Unity tests, you must use JetBrains Rider.

Various improvements 2019.3

dotCover 2019.3 gets a couple more improvements:

  • Support for Microsoft Fakes.
  • Ability to group coverage results by nested namespaces in Rider, Visual Studio, and in reports generated by the dotCover console tool.

Support for Mono on Windows, macOS, and Linux 2019.2

dotCover 2019.2 gets support for Mono 5.10 and later on Windows, macOS, and Linux. To perform coverage analysis on these operating systems, you must use JetBrains Rider or dotCover console runner.

Console runner on Linux and macOS 2019.2

Now, you can use dotCover console runner not only on Windows but on macOS and Linux as well. To be more convenient on new platforms, the tool accepts command arguments in Unix-style syntax. For example, now, both /TargetExecutable=MyApp.exe and -⁠-⁠targetexecutable:MyApp.exe are valid.

Open Cover Visual Studio 2019 Download

In addition, the console runner gets two new commands to simplify coverage analysis of .NET Core and Mono applications and unit tests: cover-dotnet and cover-mono.

Support for .NET Core on macOS and Linux 2019.1

dotCover 2019.1 provides full support for .NET Core 2.0 – 3.0 projects not only on Windows, but on macOS and Linux as well. To perform coverage analysis on these operating systems, you must use JetBrains Rider or dotCover console runner.