TS Calc

The Risk Calculator is wholly owned by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS). DISCLAIMER: This calculator is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be used as an investment advisory tool or as a guarantee of a final account balance. Please note that the results shown at the end of this calculator assume that elected contributions are made for the entire year.

Microsoft Research Calc Intelligence

  • This calculator's intent is to provide a convenient method for estimating point values based on formula from Wikipedia. The weight watcher point system is a tool intended to help people control or lose weight in a way that influences a person's overall lifestyle and eating habits.
  • TS% Calculator Definition – What is True Shooting Percentage? True Shooting Percentage (TS%) balances points, field goal attempts, and free throw attempts. The intention is to show a player’s ability to score.
  • T Statistic Calculator for Two Samples The mean in statistics refers to the average that is used to derive the central tendency of the data. It is calculated by adding all the data in a population and then dividing the total by the number of points.


  • Uses standard math syntax with parenthesis and standard operators
  • Provides and extended diagnostic tool to catch errors
  • Automatic insertion of variable parsing equations
  • Popup for insertion of available functions
  • Variables and constants have a table listing them
  • Uses a math calculation engine entirely developed internally with an impressive speed and efficiency.
  • Variables and constants can also be manually added and edited
  • Import/Export of functions and constants
  • Allows to see where variables and constant are used and how
  • Any variable can be moved to the constant table and vice versa
  • Any view offers an info panel with additional info
  • Can specify acceptable range value for input and output
  • Values can be imported/exported using a powerful import/export functionalities
  • Up to 16 decimal digit precision
  • RTF note to provide additional info regarding the document
  • Document based, you can create an unlimited number of pre-made documents with pre-inserted equations. You can use one document for any math problem
  • Native math engine is C based, in house developed and optimized for the Mac
  • PDF tutorial is included inside the application under the Help menu
  • Easy to use. You can start to work and be productive from the first minutes
  • Dark Mode and Light mode enabled