1. Zazen Medical Group
  2. Zen Meditation

Zazen that leads to Self-realization is neither idle reverie nor vacant inaction but an intense inner struggle to gain control over the mind and then to use it, like a silent missile, to penetrate the barrier of the five senses and the discursive intellect (that is, the sixth sense). At the heart of Zen is the meditation practice called zazen, meaning “just sitting.”The instructions are simple, but the practice is endlessly subtle. The upright open posture of zazen, which can be done on a cushion, a bench, or in a chair, fosters both concentrated stillness and insight. Zen Master Dogen’s simple advice is this: Put aside the intellectual habit of. ZaZen (sitting meditation) is a stable isolation platform designed for turntables, tube amps and other sensitive audio equipment. The combination of the platform mass and the integrated IsoAcoustics isolation technology allows audio gear to reveal greater acoustic clarity and detail.

Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama. Morning Noon Sunset - Part 1. Light Saber Further Notes TAPE Private Release 1990, 1994 Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama Remastered CD 2002 - ASI with original artwork Shire Dance Journey to Mordor Song of the Cave Dwarves. Welcome to Zazen, where eco-friendly, natural ingredients are non-negotiable. Discover the best of ethical beauty. Better for your skin, better for the planet. Bringing you our most popular products that so many of our customers love!

...the Wanderling

Zazen:Sitting Zen; Sitting in absorption.

Rooted in ancient meditative practices, Zazen differs from other forms of meditation in that it uses no meditation object or abstract concept for the sitter to focus on. The aim of Zazen is first to still the mind - the sitter's everyday disorganized, animal mind - and then, through practice, to reach a state of pure, thought-free wakefulness so that the mind can realize its own Buddha-nature. And unlike other forms of meditation, Zazen is not simply a means to an end. Dogen Zenji said, 'Zazen is itself Enlightenment, one minute of sitting, one minute of being Buddha.'

The Three Aims of Zazen:

  1. Development of the power of concentration (Joriki)
  2. Satori-Awakening (Kensho)
  3. Actualization of the Supreme way in our daily lives (mujudo no taigen).

These three form an inseparable unity, but for purposes of discussion they will be dealt with individually.


Joriki, the first of these, is the power or strength which arises when the mind has been unified and brought to one-pointedness in Zazen concentration. This is more than the ability to concentrate in the usual sense of the word. It is a dynamic power which, once mobilized, enables us even in the most sudden and unexpected situations to act instantly, without pausing to collect out wits, and in a manner wholly appropriate to the circumstances. One who has developed Joriki is no longer a slave to his passions, neither is he at the mercy of his environment. Always in command of both himself and the circumstances of his life, he is able to move with perfect freedom and equanimity. The cultivation of certain supranormal powers is also made possible by Joriki, as is the state in which the mind becomes like clear, still water. See also Siddhi.

Now, although the power of Joriki can be endlessly enlarged through regular practice, it will recede and eventually vanish if we neglect Zazen. And while it is true that many extraordinary powers flow from Joriki, nevertheless through it alone we cannot cut the roots of our illusionary view of the world. Mere strength of concentration is not enough for the highest types of Zen and a path not unlike Shikantaza must be considered. Concomitantly there must be Satori-awakening. In a little-known document handed down by Shih-t'ou Hsi-ch'ien (Sekito Kisen, Japanese) a follower of the Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng and founder of one of the early Zen sects, the following appears: 'in our sect, realization of the Buddha-nature, and not mere devotion or strength of concentration, is paramount.'

Buddhism teaches that after a practitioner achieves a certain degree of realization, spiritual power develops. A person at the level of an Arhat is said to possess six supernatural powers. Even so, it is understood that it is through Enlightenment that supernatural powers are manifested, rather than that supernatural powers enhance Enlightenment. Furthermore, it is acknowledged as well that supernatural powers are not attainable exclusively JUST by Buddhists and Buddhists only. It is possible for anyone who has deep religious and spiritual cultivation to develop some kind of 'super-normal powers.'[1]


The second of these aims is Kensho, seeing into your True-nature and at the same time seeing into the ultimate nature of the universe and 'all the ten thousand things' in it. It is the sudden realization that 'I have been complete and perfect from the very beginning. How wonderful, how miraculous!' If it is true Kensho, its substance will always be the same for whoever experiences it, whether he be Shakyamuni Buddha, the Buddha Amida, or anyone. But this does not mean that we can all experience Kensho to the same degree, for in the clarity, the depth, and the completeness of the experience there are great differences. As an illustration, imagine a person blind from birth who gradually begins to recover his sight. At first he can see very vaguely and darkly and only objects close to him. Then as his sight improves he is able to distinguish things a yard or so away, then objects at ten yards, then at a hundred yards, until finally he can recognize anything up to a thousand yards. At each of these stages the phenomenal world he is seeing is the same, but the differences in the clarity and accuracy of his views of that world are as great as those between snow and charcoal. So it is with the differences in clarity and depth of our experiences of Kensho.


The last of the three objectives is mujodo no taigen, the Actualization of the Supreme Way throughout our entire being and our daily activities. At this point we do not distinguish the end from the means. When you sit earnestly and egolessly in accordance with the instructions of a competent teacher - with your mind fully conscious yet as free of thought as a pure white sheet of paper is unmarred by a blemish - there is a unfoldment of your intrinsically pure Buddha-nature whether you have had Satori or not. But what must be emphasized here is that only with true awakening do you directly apprehend the truth of your Buddha-nature and perceive that Saijojo, the purest type of Zen, is no different from that practiced by all Buddhas.

The practice of Buddhist Zen should embrace all three of these objectives, for they are interrelated. There is, for instance, an essential connection between Joriki and Kensho. Kensho is 'the wisdom naturally associated with Joriki,' which is the power arising from concentration. Joriki is connected with Kensho in yet another way. Many people may never be able to reach Kensho unless they have first cultivated a certain amount of Joriki, for otherwise they may find themselves too restless, too nervous and uneasy to persevere with their Zazen. Moreover, unless fortified by Joriki, a single experience of Kensho will have no appreciable effect on your life and will fade into a mere memory. For although through the experience of Kensho you have apprehended the underlying unity of the cosmos with your Mind's eye, without Joriki you are unable to act with the total force of your being on what your inner vision has revealed to you.

Likewise there is an interconnection between Kensho and the third aim of Zazen, mujudo no taigen. Kensho when manifested in all your actions is mujudo no taigen. With perfect Enlightenment, Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, we apprehend that our conception of the world as dual and antihectical is false, and upon this realization the world of Oneness, of true harmony and peace, is revealed.

The Rinzai sect tends to make Satori-awakening the final aim of sitting and skims over Joriki and mujodo no taigen. Thus the need for continued practice after Enlightenment is minimized, and koan study, since it is unsupported by Zazen and scarcely related to daily life, becomes essentially an intellectual game instead of a means by which to amplify and strengthen Enlightenment.

On the other hand, while the practice advocated in official quarters of the Soto sect today stresses mujodo no taigen, in effect it amounts to little more than the accumulation of Joriki, which, as discussed earlier, 'leaks' or recedes and ultimately disappears unless Zazen is carried on regularly. The contention of the Soto sect nowadays that Kensho is unnecessary and that one need do more than catty on his daily activities with the Mind of the Buddha is specious, for without Kensho you can never really know what this Buddha-mind is.

These imbalances in BOTH sects in recent times have, unfortunately, impaired the quality of Zen teaching.

Zazen must not be confused with meditation. Meditation involves putting something into the mind, either an image or a sacred word that is visualized or a concept that is thought about or reflected on, or both. In some types of meditation the meditator envisions or contemplates or analyzes certain elementary shapes, holding them in his mind to the exclusion of everything else. Or he may contemplate in a state of adoration a Buddha or a Bodhisattva image, hoping to evoke in himself parallel states of mind. He may ponder such abstract qualities as loving- kindness and compassion. In Tantric Buddhist systems of meditation, mandalas containing various seed syllables of the Sanskrit alphabet-- such as Om, for example--are visualized and dwelt upon in a prescribed manner. Also employed for meditational purposes are mandalas consisting of special arrangements of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and other figures.

The uniqueness of Zazen lies in this: that the mind is freed from bondage to all thought-forms, visions, objects, and imaginings, however sacred or elevating, and brought to a state of absolute emptiness, from which alone it may one day perceive its own true nature, or the nature of the universe.

Such initial exercises as counting or following the breath cannot, strictly speaking, be called meditation since they do not involve visualization of an object or reflection upon an idea. For the same reasons a Koan Zazen cannot be called meditation. Whether one is striving to achieve unity with his Koan or, for instance, intensely asking, 'What is Mu?' he is not meditating in the technical sense of this word.

Zazen that leads to Self-realization is neither idle reverie nor vacant inaction but an intense inner struggle to gain control over the mind and then to use it, like a silent missile, to penetrate the barrier of the five senses and the discursive intellect (that is, the sixth sense). It demands energy, determination, and courage. Yasutani Hakuun Roshi calls it 'a battle between the opposing forces of delusion and Bodhi.' This state of mind has been vividly described in these words, said to have been uttered by Shakyamuni Buddha as he sat beneath the Bodhi Tree making his supreme effort, and often quoted in the zendo during sesshin: 'Though only my skin, sinews, and bones remain and my blood and flesh dry up and wither away, yet never from this seat will I stir until I have attained full Enlightenment.'

The drive toward Enlightenment is powered on the one hand by a painfully felt inner bondage--a frustration with life, a Fear of Death, or both-- and on the other by the conviction that through Awakening one can gain liberation. But it is in Zazen that the bodymind's force and vigor are enlarged and mobilized for the breakthrough into this new world of freedom. Energies which formerly were squandered in compulsive drives and purposeless actions are preserved and channeled into a unity through correct Zen sitting; and to the degree that the mind attains one-pointedness through Zazen it no longer disperses its force in the uncontrolled proliferation of idle thoughts. The entire nervous system is relaxed and soothed, inner tensions eliminated, and the tone of all organs strengthened. Furthermore, research involving an electrocardiograph and other devices on subjects who have been practicing Zazen for one to two years has demonstrated that Zazen brings about a release in psychophysical tension and greater body-mind stability through lowered heart rate, pulse, respiration, and metabolism. In short, by realigning the physical, mental, and psychic energies through proper breathing, concentration, and sitting, Zazen establishes a new body-mind equilibrium.

SUZANNE SEGAL: Collision with the Infinite

So too, through it all remember the following as found at the source so cited:


'The Buddha said that neither the repetition of holy scriptures, nor self-torture, nor sleeping on the ground, nor the repetition of prayers, penances, hymns, charms, mantras, incantations and invocations can bring us the real happiness of Nirvana. Instead the Buddha emphasized the importance of making individual effort in order to achieve our spiritual goals. He likened it to a man wanting to cross a river; sitting down and praying will not suffice, but he must make the effort to build a raft or a bridge.'(source)


The past several years has seen a proliferation of smartphone meditation apps come on the market, all designed in such a way to ease, assist, familiarize, and put into use meditation techniques for almost anybody interested in learning and implementing the various ins-and-outs of meditation, at least as the manufacturers of the apps view meditation.

Beyond the manufacturers advertisement and promotions, for every page that shows up on the internet or elsewhere in support of using the apps, there is an equal number of pages knocking their use. What the knocking their use people are selling varies, but the in support folk seem to be in line with the app builders and promoters because if nothing else, the apps sell --- and sell big time, especially so the two top brands, Headspace and Calm.

People use all kinds of things to enhance or increase their ability to accomplish things. They wear glasses to improve the clarity of their physical vision. Some use dental implants and dentures to chew, eat, or look better. The same for the use of prosthetics, crutches, canes, or wheelchairs. They help people get things done and walk or move about who otherwise might not be able to. But, if glasses to read or see aren't needed, or implants or dentures, or canes, crutches, or wheelchairs, why use them? Initially, with meditation, other than a coming to know what meditation is and what it can do if you do it, nothing much than the desire to do so and then doing it is required Painting legs on a snake doesn't make it walk any better. Electronically painting photon-pushing meditation legs to swath your synapses with trompe l'oeil may be for some, better than nothing. However, and this is one of the biggest however's ever, it is that better than nothing that makes it not, not nothing, the goal of meditation.




Fundamentally, our experience as experienced is not different from the Zen master's. Where
we differ is that we place a fog, a particular kind of conceptual overlay onto that experience
and then make an emotional investment in that overlay, taking it to be 'real' in and of itself.



Zazen Medical Group

Zen Meditation

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RESOLVING THE MIND: Buddha's Enlightenment







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Source: The Three Pillars of Zen, Kapleau, Roshi Phillip, pgs.44-52. Published by Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group. Copyright 1989 by Roshi Phillip Kapleau. With special thanks to the Dharma.

The final five paragraphs on Zazan are from the preface to Yasutani Hakuun Roshi's INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ON ZEN TRAINING attributed as well to Kapleau, Roshi Phillip.


Ma Tin Hla, M.A., University of Rangoon, THE SIX SUPERNATURAL POWERS OF THE BUDDHA, Vol. III, Nos. 4 & 6, 1958.

See also:

  • IN THE WAY OF ENLIGHTENMENT: The Ten Fetters of Buddhism.

The following should be of interest as well:


If a Bhikkhu should desire, Brethren, to exercise one by one each of the differentSiddhis, being one to become multiform, being multiform to become one; to become visible, or to become invisible; to go without being stopped to the further side of a wall, or a fence, or a mountain, as if through air; to penetrate up and down through solid ground, as if through water; to walk on the water without dividing it, as if on solid ground; to travel through the sky like the birds on wing; to touch and feel with the hand even the sun and the moon, mighty and powerful though they be; and to reach in the body even up to the heaven of Brahma; let him then fulfil all righteousness, let him be devoted to that quietude of heart which springs from within, let him not drive back the ecstasy of contemplation, let him look through things, let him be much alone!

AKANKHEYYA SUTTA, Vol. XI of The Sacred Books of the East [14]

Cayman Blue

Further Notes
Miramar 1997
Zazen is Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan, Andy West and Rama
Hurricane Vayu - 4:27
Cayman Blue - 3:55
Zazen In Paradise - 4:00
St. Bart's Chic - 4:03
Virgin Island Sunset - 3:35
Bonaire Sunrise - 4:35
Blue Flash Over Havana - 4:25
Saba Diving - 3:59
Jamaican Love Song - 4:02
Turks & Caicos Coffee - 4:19
Bahamian Melody - 4:10
Haitian High Priest - 8:33
Total Running Time: 54:36

Ecologie by Joaquin Lievano

Miramar 1996
Solo Project
Rama, Joaquin Lievano
Ecologie - 5:06
Scottish Highlands Melody - 4:06
Coral Sea - 4:16
Rainforest Dance - 6:45
Symbiosis - 3:37
Desert Winds - 5:00
Blue Dolphin - 4:06
African Adventure - 6:11
Asia - 5:46
Himalayan Sunset - 6:49
Total Running Time: 51:42

Surfing The Himalayas

A Musical Inspiration
Miramar 1996
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
(From the Enlightenment Album) - 4:50
(From the Canyons of Light Album) - 3:36
Night Shadows
(Previously Unreleased) - 4:09
Joshua Tree
(From the Canyons of Light Album) - 4:18
Desert Wind
(From the Enlightenment Album) - 5:02
(From the Ecologie Album) - 5:05
Canyons of Light
(From the Canyons of Light Album) - 4:54
In the Upper Atmosphere
(From the Enlightenment Album) - 4:03
Waves of Light
(Previously Unreleased) - 3:54
Himalayan Sunset
(From the Ecologie Album) - 6:49
Total Running Time 46:40

Canyons of Light

Miramar 1994
Zazen is Rama, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Andy West
Utah: Bryce Canyon - 4:35
Zion - 4:26
Arches - 4:42
New Mexico: Bandelier - 3:36
Taos - 4:38
Zuni - 3:54
Arizona: Grand Canyon - 4:13
Canyon de Chelly - 4:30
Monument Valley - 4:23
California: Mt. Shasta - 4:20
Joshua Tree - 4:18
Anza-Borrego Desert - 3:25
Nevada: Lake Tahoe - 4:07
Mojave Desert - 4:21
Canyons of Light - 4:54
Total Running Time 1:04:22


Miramar 1994
Zazen is Rama, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Andy West
Water: Brook - 4:40 Rain - 4:50
Ocean - 4:33
Wind: Spring Storm - 4:44
Desert Wind - 5:02
Mountain Wind - 4:07
Fire: Brush Fire - 5:08
Kundalini - 4:53
Forest Fire - 4:00
Thunder: On the Plains - 4:13
In the City - 4:02
In the Upper Atmosphere - 4:03
Earth: Dragon Within the Earth - 4:12
Dragon On Top of the Mountain - 3:26
Dragon Swallows the Earth - 4:16
Total Running Time 66 Minutes

Mystery School

Further Notes
Terra Nova Records 1991
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
Crystal Dome - 8:51
Harvest Time - 7:25
Telepathy - 5:11
Fertility Rite - 6:40
High Priest - 8:30
Nile Melody - 8:20
Mystery School - 11:27
Atlantis Rising - 14:52
Total Running Time 72:15

One Mind by Joaquin Lievano

Global Pacific Records 1987
Solo Project
Joaquin Lievano
The Art of Bowing - 6:34
Remembering - 5:39
Gamelon Warrior - 4:49
An Uncommonly Fine Life - 5:11
Parrot Talk - 4:27
One Mind - 7:48
Seven Pools - 7:19
Total Running Time: 41:47

Techno Zen Master

Further Notes
Private Release 1999
Zazen is Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
Death is Sexual - 4:14
What is Dancing? - 4:11
Dancing (Naughty Remix) - 4:07
This is Techno Zen Master - 5:07
Couldn't Get a Job - 4:57
Climbing Up The Mountain - 5:44
Why is all of this? - 4:55
One Hand Clapping - 4:47
Garden of Life - 4:50
Loving You is Meditation - 5:13
What is Emptiness? - 4:23
All These Worlds - 4:52
We're Gonna Live Forever - 4:13
(Death is Sexual Remix)
Total Running Time: 62.03

Techno Zen Master

Techno Zen Master Further Notes
Private Release 1993
Zazen is Steve Kaplan, Joaquin Lievano, Andy West, and Rama

(Side 1)
Death is Sexual
What is Dancing?
What is Dancing (Naughty Remix)
Pachelbel Canon #1
This is Techno Zen Master
Couldn't Get a Job
Pachelbel Canon #2
Climbing Up The Mountain

(Side 2)
Why is All of This?
One Hand Clapping
Pachelbel Canon #3

Garden of Life
Loving You is Meditation
What is Emptiness?
All These Worlds

Samurai Further Notes
CD and
Private Release 1993
2000 Re-release of CD

Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

The Samurai Prepares
The Samurai Confronts Himself
The Samurai in Battle
The Emptiness of Life
The Emptiness of Space
After Battle

Completion is Beginning Again
The Sword of the Samurai
Surprise Attack
Samurai's Victory Song
Elegance in Combat
Defeating Death
Merging with the Tao

All Along the Watchtower
(Single - Unreleased)

Zazen Rules Further Notes
(Industrial Rock album with vocals)

Breathless Further Notes

Private Release 1992
Rama, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Andy West
Levi's Song - 4:29
Quark - 3:33
Rama's Dream - 3:55
Zen Mind - 4:01
The Bodhi Tree - 4:12
Most Excellent Satori - 3:56
Sarah Connor's Theme - 3:33
Unified Scottie Theorem - 4:21
Malibu Beach - 4:32
New Mexican Rhapsody - 4:54
Martin Riggs - 3:45
Atlantean Love Song - 4:01
Chelsea's Song - 4:00
Love Song for Enlightenment - 4:11
Total Running Time: 58:57

Retrograde Planet
Zazen: Live on the Planet Mars
Private Release 1992
Rama, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Andy West

The 9 Planet Tour: Voice Over
The Sun
Mercury - Quicksilver Stadium
Venus - Aphrodite Open Air Theater
Earth - New Terra Stadium
Mars - Red Canal Stadium
Jupiter - Jovian Coliseum
Saturn - Double Ring Stadium
Uranus - Uranus Amphitheater
Neptune - The Neptunian Forum
Pluto - The Pluto Dome
Approx. Total Running Time: 44:10

Private Release 1992
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

Sunday Pastoral - 4:01
Inner City Blues - 4:40
Street Celebration - 4:24
Fall Reflections - 4:34
The Wilshire Hustle - 3:53
Ecstasy - 4:00
Summer Heat - 4:41
Tiffany's Song - 4:09
Caribbean Rhapsody - 4:32
Satin Sheets - 2:22


Further Notes
Private Release 1992
Rama, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Andy West
The Waking - 4:44
Samadhi - 3:54
The Magic of Love - 3:57
Just Friends, For Now - 4:10
Night Shadows - 4:09
Open Water - 3:40
Waves of Light - 3:54
Solarization - 3:58
Torrey Pines - 4:07
Sandy's Song - 4:04
White Magic - 3:58
Dancing With Waves - 4:20
One Perfect Moment - 5:46
Jewel in the Lotus - 4:08
Approx. Total Running Time: 56:49

Ecstasy Further Notes
Private Release 1992
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Sunday Pastoral
Inner City Blues
Street Celebration
Fall Reflections
The Wilshire Hustle

(Side Two)
Summer Heat
Tiffany's Song
Caribbean Rhapsody
Satin Sheets

Canyons of Light
Private Release 1992, 1993 - Several Versions
Zazen is Rama, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Andy West

Utah: Bryce Canyon - 4:35
Zion - 4:26
Arches - 4:42
New Mexico: Bandelier - 3:36
Taos - 4:38
Zuni - 3:54
Arizona: Grand Canyon - 4:13
Canyon de Chelly - 4:30
Monument Valley - 4:23
California: Mt. Shasta - 4:20
Joshua Tree - 4:18
Anza-Borrego Desert - 3:25
Nevada: Lake Tahoe - 4:07
Mojave Desert - 4:21
Canyons of Light - 4:54
Total Running Time 1:04:22


Further Notes
Private Release 1992
Zazen is Rama, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Andy West
Water: Brook - 4:40 Rain - 4:50
Ocean - 4:33
Wind: Spring Storm - 4:44
Desert Wind - 5:02
Mountain Wind - 4:07
Fire: Brush Fire - 5:08
Kundalini - 4:53
Forest Fire - 4:00
Thunder: On the Plains - 4:13
In the City - 4:02
In the Upper Atmosphere - 4:03
Earth: Dragon Within the Earth - 4:12
Dragon On Top of the Mountain - 3:26
Dragon Swallows the Earth - 4:16
Total Running Time 66 Minutes

No Artwork Released

Occult Dancer Further Notes
Private Release 1990, 1994
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

Sunset - Part 2
4 AM

Mandala of Light Further Notes
Private Release 1990, 1994
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

Sunset - Part 1

Light SaberFurther Notes
Private Release 1990, 1994
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
Remastered CD 2002 - ASI
with original artwork

Shire Dance
Journey to Mordor
Song of the Cave Dwarves
Gandalf the Wizard
Bilbo's Song - The Road Goes On and On
Hobbit Plane
Light Saber

No Artwork Released

Zen Master

Further Notes
Private Release 1990
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
(Side One)
Act 1
Act 2
(Side Two)
Act 3

Urban Destruction Further Notes
Private Release 1989, 1994
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Freeway Nightmares
Death on Melrose
Urban Destruction

(Side Two)
LA Digital Mindscapes
Bag Lady Blues
Psychotic Dog

No Artwork Released

Private Release 1989
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Balad of the Samurai
March of the Samurai

(Side Two)
The Dancing Samurai
Samurai Death Song/Warlord: Victory Song


Further Notes
Double CD and TAPE
Private Release 1989
Remastered Double CD 2000 - ASI
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
To Live and Die in Benares
Ganges Melody
Temple of Vishnu
Shiva Dancing
Lao Tsu Rock
Temple Bells
Buddhist Symphony
Clear Light
Mandala for Tara
The Great Chod Ritual
Rama's Song
Refugees from LA
Money Talks, Nobody Walks
American Tantra

Mystery School Further Notes
CD and
Private Release 1989, 1994 - ASI
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
Harvest Time - 7:17
Nile Melody - 8:14
Fertility Rite - 6:34
High Priest - 8:21
Sun Worship - 8:20
Mystery School - 11:18

Atlantis Rising Further Notes
CD and
Private Release 1989, 1994 - ASI
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

Crystal Dome - 8:42
Wizard - 10:50
- 5:03
Temple of Atlantis - 8:45
Sundial - 6:00
Atlantis rising:
1) The Fall - 7:30
2) Regeneration - 7:12

Retrograde Planet Further Notes
Private Release 1989 - ASI
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Mercury - House of the Dead
Venus - Godess of Love and Beauty
Earth - Planet of Temporal Glory
Mars - Home of the Gods
Jupiter - The Astral King

(Side Two)
Saturn - The Lord of Karma
Uranus - Planet of Enlightenment
Neptune - The Shadows of Dreams
Pluto - Destroyer of Happiness

Mandala of Light Further Notes
Private Release 1987
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
Remastered Double CD 2001
of Mandala of Light and Occult Dancer

(Side One)
Kalki's Journey In Ten Thousand States
Cosmic Shuffle
Tibetan Rhapsody

(Side Two)
Kali Yuga Blues and Greens
Lord Vishnu's Forest Vision
Pacific Coast Sundance

Occult Dancer Further Notes
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on May 10, 1987 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
Remastered Double CD 2001
of Mandala of Light and Occult Dancer

(Side One)
Sunset 1

(Side Two)
Sunrise 2
4 a.m.

Zen Master

Further Notes
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on March 15, 1987 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
(Side One)
Part One: Searching . . .
Discovering Footprints
Part Two: Catching the Ox
Taming the Ox
Riding the Ox Home
Part Three: No Ox At All
Home Again
Nothing is Different,
Nothing is the Same
No Mind - Part One
No Mind - Part Two
Cosmic Dance
(Side Two)
Guardian Powers
Intense Solarization
Power Spot

Light Saber Further Notes
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on January 11, 1987 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Shire Dances
Journey to Mordor
Song of the Cave Dwarves

(Side Two)
Bilbo's Song
Hobbit Plane
Mirkwood Forest
Light Saber

Urban Destruction Further Notes
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on January 11, 1987 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Urban Destruction Part One:

Freeway Nightmares
Psychotic Dog

(Side Two)
Urban Destruction Part Two:
LA Digital Mindscape
Bag Lady Blues

Urban Destruction Further Notes
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on December 12, 1986 at the Japan American Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Urban Destruction Part One:
Freeway Nightmares
Psychotic Dog

(Side Two)
Urban Destruction Part Two:
L .A. Digital Mindscape
Bag Lady Blues

Samurai Further Notes
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on September 14, 1986 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Samurai Part One: Unexpected Attack
March of the Samurai

(Side Two)
Samurai Part Two: Counterattack - The Dancing Samurai
Samurai Death Song
Warlord: Victory Song

TAPE 2 of 2
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on July 13, 1986 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
(Side One)

(Side Two)
Dancing Bliss
Ring of Power
Canine Plane

TAPE 1 of 2
Private Release - Live in Los Angeles on July 13, 1986 at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre
Zazen is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama
(Side One)
Parrot Talk
The Happy Clam
Midnight Kundalini

(Side Two)
Looking Within
Alien States

Music from Nirvana Further Notes
Live in Boston on May 1, 1985
is Andy West, Joaquin Lievano, Steve Kaplan and Rama

(Side One)
Edge of Farewell
Dancing Blisses

(Side Two)
Happy Clam
Ring of Power
Canine Plane

The Ultimate Massage and Relaxation
Jamaican Love Song - Zazen
Blue Dolphin - Joaquin Lievano
Virgin Island Sunset - Zazen
Coral Sea - Joaquin Lievano
The Best New Age Vol. 5
Virgin Island Sunset - Joaquin Lievano

Smooth Jazz Summer Sounds
Ecologie - Joaquin Lievano

True Emotions - New Age Classics
Cayman Blue - Zazen

Absolutely New Age
St. Bart's Chic - Zazen
Blue Dolphin - Joaquin Lievano
Miramar Collection Three
Miramar 1997
St. Bart's Chic (4:03) - Zazen
Scottish Highland Melody (4:04) - Joaquin Lievano

Miramar Ten
Miramar 1996
Samurai Ballad (6:29) - Zazen.
Castilian Love Song (4:35) - Joaquin Lievano
( Both of these 'custom tracks' were not released anywhere else. )
Miramar Collection Two
Miramar 1995
Zuni - Zazen
In the Upper Atmosphere - Zazen

OMNI Close Encounters, Volume 7
Taos - Zazen

OMNI Lost Civilization, Volume 5
Bryce Canyon - Zazen
Mojave Desert - Zazen

'He didn't answer.
Or perhaps, he did.'