1. Amir Tsarfati Middle East Update
  2. Amir Tsarfati Behold Israel Twitter
  3. Amir Tsarfati Latest Update

Amir Tsarfati: The Firstfruits Resurrection. Amir Tsarfati - April 4, 2021. RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. JD Farag: Those Causing Division. Pastor Ed Hickey: Approaching Midnight – Here Comes The Bridegroom. JD Farag Full Bible Prophecy Update: Satanic Propaganda. Amir Tsarfati joins Pastor Mike Kestler on the live call-in program of To Every Man An Answer. Amir lives in beautiful Israel and is an incredible bible prop. Amir Tsarfati was born in Israel and is the founder and president of Behold Israel – a non-profit organization which provides worldwide real-time access to reliable sources of news and information about Israel from within the powerful context of Bible history and prophecy. Behold Israel is a non-profit organization led by native Israeli Amir Tsarfati. Our mission is to provide reliable and accurate reporting on developments in Israel and the region. Amir’s live updates and teachings, based on God’s Written Word, sift out the truth on current events amidst global media bias against Israel. Through our website, free app, social media and Amir’s teachings in. Bible Bites are short clips of Amir’s Bible teachings that can easily be shared with your friends and family. It’s Because of What He Has Done Bible Bites. It’s Because of What He Has Done. It's not about us; it's about what He has done. April 22nd, 2021 Read More. Sharing the Gospel.

The Greek word icon (eikó̱n) means “IMAGE”. Who is the one you wanna be like? What was Adam like when he was created ? What happened since? Is it possible for us humans to be restored to the way things were? If so, then how? These and more in Amir’s new message! Tune in soon!
Between Gaza and Jerusalem - Analysis of recent events (by Abu Ali)

Thirteen red alerts sirens were sounded in the Gaza border Jewish settlements last night and more than 30 rockets were fired from Gaza.
The shooting was preceded during Friday by official announcements by most Palestinian factions in Gaza regarding their identification with 'the heroic struggle of East Jerusalem residents against the occupation' as well as an official statement on the matter by the Hamas Joint Sectoral Squadron (which usually includes 15 subordinate Palestinian factions in Gaza , In spite of Hamas).
After the first shooting and before those who followed it, the streets of the Gaza Strip filled a mass procession in support of the residents of the Gaza Strip to identify with the residents of Jerusalem 'who are defending Al-Aqsa.' The processions were widely expressed on Palestinian social networks and this seemed like a particularly broad popular support show.
Against the background of this popular support and the clear Palestinian consensus on the issue of Jerusalem, launching the rockets at the envelope was a step that Hamas was prepared to take even in the face of the risk of a significant Israeli response. Their portrayal as al-Aqsa defenders, even using short-range rockets into the Gaza Strip, buys them many advantages in the Palestinian inner arena, also in general and especially in the run-up to the May 22 legislative elections, which Abu Mazen is trying to evade when Jerusalem is the obvious excuse.
Due to these reasons, this morning, unlike usual, we saw official responsibility for firing by the military arm of the Popular Front as well as by other military factions such as: Al-Aqsa Martyrs - Ayman Yehuda, Al-Aqsa Martyrs 'Lwaa' Al-Amoudi and Katib Al-Maquma - all factions The joint Hamas of Hamas. That is, the launches with full approval and Hamas facilitation (there is no fear of rebelliousness). Gazan media reported in this context that the military arm of Hamas claimed responsibility not for firing not through a proclamation but by voice message on military communications networks in Gaza.
In the background, riots continued in Jerusalem tonight as well as every night since the beginning of the month of Ramadan. Even in the absence of a right-wing demonstration against them, East Jerusalem Arabs continued to attack Jews, smash cameras, set fire to houses in Silwan, attack state symbols and read in praise of Muhammad Def, the chief of staff of Hamas' military wing, who was responsible for many suicide bombings in Israel in the 1990s.
In practice, the riots of East Jerusalem youths on Ramadan nights began as spontaneous events, to alleviate the boredom until dawn at dawn, which the actors in the Palestinian arena (Hamas and Fatah) identified as a good opportunity to ride to achieve achievements in front of Israel and public opinion. Palestinian and Arab. Against this background, a competition between Hamas and Fatah on 'Who is more loyal to Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem?' Such a competition could lead to a broad escalation.
And we are only in the first third of the Ramadan ....
Syria’s official news agency just reported that an oil tanker was attacked off the shores of the country.
The Syrian agency reported that the oil tanker was attacked while traveling in Lebanese waters towards the Syrian port of Banias.

Amir Tsarfati Middle East Update

If you’ve been following my Middle East updated you know that it’s most likely an Iranian ship attacked by Israel. It’s likely not a ship that is carrying only oil....
As expected US President Joe Biden recognized the 1915 killings of Armenians by Ottoman forces as genocide.
Amir Tsarfati Twitter
Iranian sources say that Iran is partially behind the ongoing escalation in Gaza.
Remember the explosion last week in a secret military location in Israel that the Iranians jumped fast to claim it was their cyber attack? Well... it wasn’t. 😃
A blast of oxygen containers inside the COVID ward of the Al-Khatib hospital in Baghdad took the lives of dozens and injured many... sad!
Good morning from Galilee Israel!
I’m working today on a new message and then travel tomorrow to the Dead Sea for the it’s filming : “The Dead See”!
Have a blessed Sunday everyone!
White House: Israel won't change position on Iran deal
Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen and National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat are expected to go to Washington this week to meet their counterparts to discuss the Iranian nuclear threat.
Study time....
Three new F-35s landed in southern Israel and joined the “lions of the south” squadron!
The Israeli base commander thanked the US pilots who flew those birds to us...
The commander of the U.S. forces in Afghanistan announced the beginning of an orderly withdrawal of foreign presence and the handing over of military bases.

Amir Tsarfati Behold Israel Twitter

I was so blessed to read today in Genesis a wonderful verse part of a horrible story:
And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?” Genesis 18:18-19

Amir Tsarfati Latest Update

Denver and Phoenix will be in July
Dallas and Houston in September